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My personal Experience with Expressive Writing and How You Can Apply it to Your Journaling Practices

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Filled with the same wisdom found throughout this website, purchasing the book allows for a more personal interaction with the content matter and a chance for readers to try out the journaling guides for themselves (with the inclusion of blank journal pages at the end of the book).

Looking Up at the
Starless Sky

"I have never, not once, taken for granted my ability to articulate my thoughts and emotions through language. One of my most valued and sacred relationships, you could say that me and writing go way back."

Me and My Journals: A Content Analysis

"Writing is my lifeline. It is the raft upon which I am able to float to safety. It is the hand reaching over the cliff to pull me up."

Practical Guides and Workshops

"You’re writing for you—to express yourself in whatever form it takes, good, bad, or ugly. Remember that you’re at the helm of this ship; it turns only for you."


A few thank you's

First and foremost, this book could not have become a reality without the assistance and support of my peers in my Minor in Writing capstone course (Writing 420). The same, if not more, could be said for my incredible professor, T Hetzel, who proudly cheered me on from the project’s humble beginnings all the way to the wonderful amalgamation of research and writing that you see before you. 


Second, an insurmountable thank you goes to the Sweetland Center for Writing and the Minor in Writing at the University of Michigan. Through their consultation and the program itself, I was able to both grow as a writer and make this project the absolute best it could be. In addition, the Minor in Writing has proven to be the most incredible decision I could have made in terms of my academic career. The community, inside and outside of the classroom, has been a place of solace, inspiration, and 


Lastly, I would like to thank my past self for keeping these records, and for keeping them safe after all these years. It has been such a personally fulfilling and rewarding experience for me, both as a creator and a writer. This project was most definitely a long time coming. I have always felt as though I had been keeping these journals for a reason. Perhaps this is that reason. Perhaps not. Either way, I truly enjoyed the journey.

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